Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Color My World

My East Window

It's a-snowin' and a-blowin' this morning....AGAIN!  I don't know about you, but it seems all of us in the JOTOLR blogging community are reaching hard to find something colorful and evocative lately.  February seems to be that kind of month.  Though it's the shortest month of the year it seems interminable. The wind mourns.  The sun is weak and fuzzy--just strong enough that Punx DID see his shadow around here.   So we're still on the hook. 

Aside from Valentine's Day, February always seems dreary and drab compared to other months. It's a muddy  month.  One day it rains, the next it sleets, snow teasers waft in and out, the ground freezes and then it thaws.  Tracks in the snow change to tracks in the mud. Grumble, grumble... 

Of course I've made a few forays outside to check for sprouting Snowdrops and Daffodils; I've started eyeing the yard, nominating targets for renovation this spring and summer; and, of course, outside, I see those perennial buds fattening up. 

But I know it's not time yet!  Lest I get too eager and face still another blast of Arctic air with something less than joy, I need firm discipline!  So, it's time to color my world inside and try to be content until the gods signal a return to flowering plants, hanging baskets, and the need to water them all! 

Hope you are enjoying your inside world as you mentally measure this spring's garden space, knowing that spring is on the way.....somewhere, at least! 


  1. Elora -- like colored objects in the windows to catch the light. Your arrangement in your window will certainly brighten up spirits in the winter. I do a similar display with two east side windows --- one bottles the other glass paperweights. I'll take the snow and ice over the horrible heat of last summer any day. -- barbara

  2. Oh Elora so much has been happening JOTLR! It took me over 30 mins to catch up on all the latest! Sorry I haven't been around much but busy busy busy... :( So glad you finally have high speed internet! You'll see its fantastic!

  3. Love the window ornaments! Beautiful!
