Thursday, June 2, 2011

Scrambled Eggs

Well, spring's just about history, and summer's lurking in the wings!  Of all the seasons, I believe summer is my least favorite.  It's that dratted humidity along with the roasting-level temperatures that lead me to recollect images of fall foliage and snow-covered driveways!  Spring has been a bit tortured this year for many, so even though I usually look forward to it, this year it's been cruel.  Out here, JOTOLR we've seen lots of scrambled eggs and plants made holey courtesy of that horrific hailstorm. 

The poor Hosta looks a lot worse than it did right after the storm...

Then again, some of our best friends--that visit only during summer--are a welcome sight.  In fact, in the midst of the hailstorm I looked down at my feet and right beside me, taking shelter from the ice volley was Toad.  Tell me animals don't think!

And we're into the haying season.  Yesterday and the day before MM and I were in the hayfield baling and gathering the first 150 square bales, loading them on the trailer, and hauling them to the barn.  Ooooooh!  They smell so sweet!   My 66-year-old body complained a little the first day out, but it's oiling up gradually. 

My posts continue to be a bit haphazard, what with trying now to get the garden planted along with cutting/baling hay.  We're a little late on both accounts, so we have some catching up to do.   I'll be back on track once we get over this initial push.  Thank you, faithful readers!  I treasure you! 


  1. Nothing quite so sweet as new mown hay! Love your toad -- such wise looking critters.

  2. How very sad about the eggs. We are into the hay also (and sadly disturbing redwings.) Sheep will be sheared next week and then there is the yard to mow--over and over again! It is hard to balance the care of the body with the heat and the work that must be done. I miss your posts but understand the BUSY season and look forward to your return. SW VA

  3. Like Mr Toad. Just about everyone around here is late getting their gardens in because of the storms. Food prices are supposed to be high this season -- but with your farm you should be all set. Lots of work for you two but I'm sure you gain in the healthy lifestyle category. -- barbara
