Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bradley Manning Imprisonment is An Unconscionable Travesty

You may not like Michael Moore.  Personally, he is one of my heroes.  But that's beside the point.  The point is:  don't fail to read this article because Michael Moore wrote it and you don't happen to like Michael Moore.  Take the time to read and follow the links....,-a-Movement-on-Wall-Street,-and-the-Soldier-Who-Ignited-the-Fuse?via=recent


  1. I was unaware of this situation. Are we to stand by and let the gov't be as secret as they deem necessary? Are we to allow officials like Cheney and Rumsfield to walk free from the gross deeds that they allowed to manifest. -- barbara

  2. The best to you and yours in the new year of 2012 -- barbara

  3. Thank you so much, dear Barbara! I'm glad to see you back "on the blog-boards!" I'm not sure what I want to do here...I'm fully engaged with the nascent Neighborhood Association which Monte and I spearheaded. It has its demands. As do my photography, writing, gardening, etc. etc.

    Please keep me posted on your life-happenings!

    And a peaceful, gentle 2012 to you, sweet lady!

