Friday, April 15, 2011

Clean Sweep

I end the week with a clean chicken house.  Yea!  MM and I hauled out a year's worth of chicken poop yesterday--probably seven loads of the garden cart, all told!  It went on the garden in big, flailing arcs of the grain scoop.  Thank goodness it wasn't real windy!  I know this will sound odd, but for some reason, this represents a treasure, as far as I'm concerned.  Free fertilizer...well, not entirely free, but certainly a by-product!  Makes me feel wealthy!
 This morning, I put in a fresh bale of hay and the chickens kept running in and out apparently amazed at this refurbishent.  They must have been grateful because I've gotten more than a dozen eggs today.  And there's been a chicken of one stripe or another in the nest boxes all day long --almost as if they couldn't believe their good fortune.

 I'm sure they appreciate a clean house, just like I do!

Thank you everyone for your visits this past week!  I've loved hearing from you.  It's been pretty busy out here JOTOLR.  For you, too, I know!  Spring does that, doesn't it!  I keep ordering plants and planting madly.  Thanks for all your lovely comments!  I've enjoyed every one.  Hope you have a delightful and restorative weekend!
See you Monday!


  1. Elora -- It must be contagious -- deep cleaning that is. My house is spic and span after almost a week of deep cleaning. Now to keep it orderly and up to snuff -- barbara

  2. Chickens do love getting that fresh hay, don't they?

    I'll bet you're enjoying that early retirement!

  3. You know, Vicki, I feel as if I am playing hookie! Keep thinking we have to get out and milk...oh....that's right: we don't! And yes, SW this point I wouldn't entirely commit to resuming the dairy businss, but I suppose by the time a calf would come, I'll be ready. And Barbara, the chicken house definitely had "deep" cleaning!!


  4. That hen certainly looks happy with the fresh nesting spot. Have a great weekend.
