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Video Outage...
Surprise, surprise.....! We were hit by a Netflix "outage" last night. It lasted -- I would estimate--about an hour or so. I suspect-- though I do not know for sure-- that it was somehow connected with Amazon's Cloud Computing debacle last night...and Heroku, user of Cloud Computing services--and ultimately affected users out here, JOTOLR. It was a rather massive failure, from what I can gather, and techies are concerned this morning about the future of Cloud Computing, still in its infancy. It wasn't NetFlix that failed. It was (again, if I understand correctly) Amazon, which then failed Heroku which then failed our Roku and our "romance" with the Monarch of the Glen series...interesting cascade...
For the story go to: Cloud Computing Failure
While researching that issue this morning, I came across another piece I found compelling, especially as we forge ahead while (we hope) trying to reduce our footprint on the Earth. It's worth a skim-read on this Earth Day. The title is somewhat surprising. I know I think of Apple as being very Earth-conscious, almost the "greenest of the greens." And in many ways, it is. But there are "hidden issues" that tell another story. You might find this interesting...
Apple Has Dirtiest Data
Elora -- Boy, I didn't know what a cloud was in the computer world but I do now. Thanks for educating me to a bit of the technical side of servers. I know I'll always be a bit behind in the computer world but that is OK -- as long as I get to blog I'll be happy. Thanks -- barbara