Friday, October 14, 2011


BLOOMBERG CALLED OFF THE "CLEANING!!!!!",-Cancels-Cleaning-as-Thousands-Crowd-Zuccotti-March!-%7C-LiveBlog-+-LiveStream?via=siderec

Keep in mind that the "esteemed" mayor of New York DID NOT ALLOW THE PROTESTORS TO HAVE PORTO-POTTIES.   OWS has had a working group within the group--a detail--specifically on sanitation, but the CNY would not work with the protesters.  The eviction was a ploy to once-and-for-all kill the movement. The new rules were going to be as follows:  no sanitation facilities; no tents, no tarps, no equipment of any kind and no lying down.

How is that for "freedom of expression?"

240,000 signed an emergency petition last night (as did I) against eviction by Bloomberg.  There were close to 3,500 in the park last night around 3:00 a.m.  ABC covered it.  The phone lines at Bloomberg's office were totally jammed with people trying to call in from all across the country.  Move-On sponsored the petition.  The unions came out in force to protest the eviction, as well.  There's an eviction in Denver; it may be over by now, don't know...

More coming on my blog as I get cranked up this a.m.  Lots going on today.  Lech Walessa is coming from Poland, today. 

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