Thursday, August 26, 2010

Close-Up and Still A Way to Go

I ran out this morning to "shop" for photos and caught a couple that tell you we had rain followed by fog. A full inch and a half of rain.  Grateful, grateful!  Below is a Scuppernong leaf, an old variety of grape, drinking in the dewdrops.

And below is a fuzzy caterpillar with red feet that was about two inches long.  It, too, was covered in dewdrops, but perhaps not as grateful as was I and the Scuppernong.

A technical note, here...I am taking a little time from posting my own blog, to explore some of the other blogs you have listed on yours.  When I first started blogging, I knew nothing about blog-manners and blog reciprocity.  I listed a few blogs I had enjoyed on my header page, but had not done much exploring. I still don't know how to become a "Follower" or if, since I already subscribe to your blogs, whether it's necessary to become a "Follower" or if that helps you or helps me or what...!

Anyway, I want to thank YOU for your explorations and additions of other interesting blog titles to your blogs.  I am gradually sampling, and taking time to enjoy many of them.  As fall comes on I hope I can occasionally take a keyboard stroll, now and again through at least some of the blogs you've listed.  I am inspired and delighted with the myriad selections you have offered.  

Finally, if I gave the impression that the growing and preserving season is somehow "over"...that's not true!  It's simply a shift change!!


  1. Love those first two photos especially, good shopping! :D While you are no doubt appreciating this rain and fog I'm cursing it here, we've had too much and I can't make a start on the garden which is hugely frustrating. I've just had a friend move here and for so long (years) I've been telling him what fantastic weather this region has (it is known for having the highest sunshine hours in the country) so of course the weather gods have conspired to prove me wrong!
    Glad to hear you are getting some rest from all the hard work it sounds like you have been putting in over the season.
    Take care
    Julia x

  2. I just love that first picture and the little fuzzy caterpillar is fun too. Had a thought, do you have a recipe for pumpkin pie using fresh pumpkin. Last year I could only find recipes using tinned pumpkin which we don't have in the UK. Pumpkins only appear in the greengrocer's as a novelty item as more people celebrate the imported custom of Halloween. This is a recent trend and we certainly wouldn't do anything about Halloween in school as many Christians are uncomfortable or very anti celebrating the devil. We have Guy Fawkes Night instead.
