I apologize, everyone, for not commenting on your blogs, and for not responding to your wonderful comments on my blog. I am kind of boxed in...Google only lets me comment as Anonymous--whether on your comment section, or even on my own blog. I've done everything I can think of...cleaning the cache, clearing cookies, etc. Nothing seems to work. So, for the moment, I'm back to being a silent observer. Except as I make comments a post in and of itself. Which is what I will do until I can reconcile my real name and my anonymity!
So here goes.....
Starting with Vicki's comment about BBB! So true: Blogger Behaving Badly! And I can't believe the stupid snake trying to swallow a heatlamp! Jeez!
Me, too, Barbara (ditto on BBB) and I've had trouble being recognized on your lovely blog. Seems when I want to send up a comment for you, I get trapped in an identification loop, put in email, password, and it clicks right round to requesting I do it again...and again....and again!
Julia...did you ever try again to post to my blog? I have had no trouble posting. Just commenting....how's winter "down there?" Need to jot off an email to you, my dear. Sorry to have been buried up in the dirt, here! (garden) Things are finally evening out a bit!
Beth, you've been such a dear about commenting, too! And I LOVED your Mighty Fine post. The photos were delightful and the writing, tip top! Love you, girl!
NCMW, what a dear you've been with your sweet comments. Still love those fluffy dog photos you give us. They are a pair to draw to! Their coats seem to fly by themselves! And just beckon to run fingers through the silky fur! Loved your post on the condoms! (that'll get everyone here stirred up, won't it!) If you'll send me your email address, I'll give you a little expanded discussion on the twitch: eloram@frontier.com
SWVA--Thank you so much! I may be joining you as a sheep owner not long from now....so we'll have LOTS to share! I don't believe I know what breed(s) you have...I'm going to stick with Western finewools. We've owned them before and were taken with their strength, resiliency and the quality of their fleeces. I'll keep you posted. Right now, it's still in the "planning" stage--or maybe not...! :-)) MM has told me they will be my responsibility--shearing and all! Fun stuff! Hope you've managed to rise above the difficulties previously mentioned and that you're on your way to smoother sailing.
Thomas, we're still plugging along. It's the season for busy! Hope all your projects are working out for you. You're so organized, it's positively withering to even think about emulating your style!
Finally, Ruta, I owe you two emails! Your pix have been lovely, and the life you and Peter are enjoying together is such fun to read about. So, don't give up on me. You, either, Julia! I'm getting caught up, and you're both next on my list!
Jouko, if you are reading my blog in Finland, thank you for the photos. And, you, too, are on my email catch-up list. Tell Leena hello from us!
Elora in Italy, your hikes are delightful! I feel like I am right there beside you. It got a little steep there for awhile, but I hung on tightly and you got me over the hump! Hope you, hubby and kitties are doing fine. Email coming soon to your computer! Love you, girl!
Marlene. So glad your trip to the Middle East was rewarding. Glad to have you back on this side, of the pond(s) though.
There. Did I leave anyone out? I hope not. Thank you all for your patience and your loyalty. I don't take that lightly! It's so much fun having online friends! And I have the very best!
I'm going to try Google/Blogger's Help Forum and see if I can't get this Anonymous thing sorted out. I'd really like to have my name back!