There's hey-day and then there's hay-day. Yesterday was both for us out here JOTOLR. Fortunately, it wasn't MM and me out there this time, "throwing" (more like hiking up!) square bales onto a hay wagon. Some previous buyers of our hay dropped by the other day and asked if they could put it up on shares. We were elated! Here's how it went:
They cut the hay on Sunday--or as some say, it was "laid down" and left to dry throughout much of Monday.
Then, it was on to baling, late afternoon on Monday, the critical part where one prays hard and holds up the sky so it doesn't leak! Water before harvest is the friend of hay. Water DURING harvest is the enemy. We hope for balance! The sky looks ominous...the hay, vulnerable...
First, after cutting, comes the raking.......

Then the baling...or in this case, the rolling
Cow food for the coming safe and sound in the roll...
Finished.....Just in time.......!
Starting the cycle all over again....
Lovely sequence of photos, especially the last. Isn't the smell of new-mown hay intoxicating?