Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays....

...always make me glad!

Finally!  The cows are getting a bath!  Same with the turkeys.  Oh, my!  I think it's called "rain" if I recall correctly...As rains go, so far, this hasn't measured up to the billing from the Weather Forecasting crew.  Last night they'd mentioned something along the lines of three to five inches...uhh, somebody needs to sharpen their measuring skills a bit  .  But let me not complain.  Some is better than none.  The pastures are a sudden-green, as if they had all but forgotten how to do green.  Brown and crisp has been the color de jour.  Marigold and Honeysuckle are clean again.  Bright white on a black background.  And today's an "inside" day for us.  MM's been needing a rest on his knee anyway, so that dovetails nicely with plans for a rainy day!


  1. Elora- Rain has fallen here also. Sweatshirt weather this morning. What a wonderful day to find a comfortable chair and catch up on some reading. To you and MM this day must be a welcome one after all the hard work you have done. -- barbara

  2. Oh yes! Two inches yesterday and still drizzling today! A blessing on the land!

  3. The rain is indeed a welcome, blessed, and beautiful sight, Elora. Praise be.

  4. It was such a day, Barbara! We...what's the technical term--? "goofed off." That's it! We did! Not entirely. The calf got out and returned to his mother and we had the joyous task of getting him back in his quarters. No milk for us yesterday morning! But, with the rain, all was restored...including both milk in the evening and a calf enclosed in a double electric fence! Grrrrr.!

    Lucky you, Vicki! And you must be a bundle of joy and excitement with your book coming out (today, 9/280 Congratulations, again! I'm not unaware of how much work today represents.

    Beth, I'm so glad to hear from you! Love your comments! Susurrant. Yes, me, too.

    Take care all! Thanks for visiting!

